Terms of Service

ARTICLE 1 - Basic Conditions

1.1 - When you access or use the Auto Likes website, the Auto Likes service, or any application offered by Auto Likes, including mobile applications (collectively the "Auto Likes service"), how You agree to be bound by these terms of use ("Terms of Use") regardless of which you access. These Terms of Use affect your legal rights and obligations. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms of use, do not access or use the Auto Likes service.

1.2 - The right to change all kinds of services, products, terms of use of the site and the information presented on the site without prior notice, to reorganize the site, to stop broadcasting on the Auto Likes website and site extension reserves. Changes take effect at the time of publication on the site. These changes are deemed to have been accepted by the use of the site or by logging into the site. These conditions also apply to other linked web pages.

1.3 - The Auto Likes service is not affiliated with any social media sites. Auto Likes services provide the specified services by using the "API" links of the specified sites through your user name and password or token information. Auto Likes services are not responsible for any possible negativity.

1.4 - This website may contain links or references to other websites that are not under its control. The website is not responsible for the content of these sites or any other links they contain.

1.5 - Sometimes we may introduce a new feature in addition to these Terms of Use, with its own terms and conditions. In such cases, the terms of the new feature will apply unless they conflict with these Terms of Use.

1.6 - Notice of arbitration: any dispute between you and Auto Likes will be subject to individual arbitration, with the exception of your opt-out or certain types of disputes set forth in the arbitration section below. and you waive your right to participate in a class action hearing or class-wide arbitration.

1.7 - Please read this agreement carefully before accessing or using the site.

1.8 - By accessing or using the site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not access or use the site, and if you have started such use, you should immediately stop using it.

1.9 - When users log in to Auto Likes services, they cannot log out before the services' default automatic logout times. The default automatic exit times of various Auto Likes services may differ, after which the user will be automatically disconnected from the Auto Likes services. During this period, the user remains registered in the system and accepts automatic transactions from his social media account.

1.10 - Auto Likes services will be able to apply likes, follow-ups, etc. to the contents of other accounts on your behalf.

1.11 - Including a user profile or page containing violent, nudity, partial nudity, private, discriminatory, illegal, infringing, pornographic or obscene photos, content or posts. (referred to as "bad content").

1.12 - If your account liked the bad content, liked the page with bad content, or followed a user with bad content or disliked it, it is up to you to unlike the content or page or unfollow the user, and it is your responsibility.

1.13 - If you are afraid to like or follow bad content, check whether you like this content, it's your own risk, don't use Auto Likes services if you don't want to take the risk.

1.14 - To log in and use Auto Likes services, access token or username and password information may be required. You accept that you know that this information will be used and you give it with your own consent.

1.15 - Auto Likes cannot guarantee uninterrupted service, but will do its best to keep it running smoothly.

1.16 - When you log in to the Auto Likes service, the effects of the actions taken on your behalf, including but not limited to pending friend requests, may appear when your registration is deleted from the system.

1.17 - Auto Likes services cannot be held responsible for accounts that are temporarily or completely blocked or restricted. You agree that you use Auto Likes services by taking these risks into account.

1.18 - Auto Likes may make changes to this agreement at any time and such changes will become effective immediately upon posting of the modified agreement on the site. You agree to periodically review the agreement to be aware of these changes, and your continued access to or use of the site will constitute your final acceptance of the amended agreement.

1.19 - Auto Likes Terms of Use are written in English (EN). If any translation of these terms of use conflicts with the text written in another language, the English text shall prevail.

1.20 - Auto Likes services can log in to the user's account from another IP address and another country to provide services. The user accepts that he knows and approves this situation.

1.21 - The current or updated English version of this page will always be taken as the basis. In case of breach of contract, the user, person, blog, website, institution and organization accepts that the current English version on this page will be taken as a basis.

ARTICLE 2 - Miscellaneous

1 - You must be at least 18 years old to use the Auto Likes service

2 - You may not take action on violent, nudity, partial nudity, discriminatory, illegal, infringing, pornographic or obscene photos or other content through the Auto Likes service, for example, such content You can't like it through Auto Likes services

3 - You agree that you will not solicit, collect or use the login information of other Auto Likes users

4 - It is your responsibility to keep your account and password confidential and secure

5 - You may not use the Auto Likes service for any illegal, unauthorized or propaganda purposes. You agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and regulations (federal, state, local, and regional), including but not limited to copyright laws, when using the Auto Likes service and your Content (set below)

6 - Your behavior and all data, text, files, information, usernames, images, graphics, photos, profiles, audio and video that you submit to or share or display on the Auto Likes service clips, sounds, musical works, original works, apps, links, and other content and materials (collectively referred to as "Content") are your sole responsibility

7 - You may not modify or adapt the Auto Likes service or modify any other website in a way that gives the false impression that it is associated with the Auto Likes service or Auto Likes

8 - You may not create or send unsolicited emails, comments, likes or other commercial or abusive communications (also called "spam") to any Auto Likes user

9 - You may not use domain names or internet addresses (URLs) in your username without the prior written permission of Auto Likes

10 - You may not intercept or disrupt the Auto Likes service, servers, or networks connected to the Auto Likes service, including by transmitting worms, viruses, spyware, malware, or any other harmful or blocking code . You may not include content or code that in any way alters or interferes with the way Auto Likes pages are displayed or viewed on users' browsers or devices

11 - You may not create or transact accounts on the Auto Likes service by any unauthorized means, including but not limited to using automated software, code, bots, spiders, bugs or scrapers

12 - If for any reason an unwanted activity occurs in your account, it is your sole responsibility to notice this situation and take measures such as changing your account password

13 - You must not attempt to restrict another user from using or enjoying the Auto Likes service, and you must not encourage or allow violations of these terms of use or any other Auto Likes terms

14 - Other product and company names used on this site may be the trademarks of their respective owners

15 - Violation of these terms of use may result in the termination of your Auto Likes account, at the sole discretion of the Auto Likes service. You agree that the content you share on the Auto Likes service is not and cannot be the responsibility of Auto Likes, and that the risks you may encounter while using the Auto Likes service are entirely your responsibility. If you violate the letter or spirit of the Auto Likes terms of use in any way or expose the Auto Likes service to a risk or other possible legal action, we may stop providing the Auto Likes service to you, in whole or in part.

ARTICLE 3 - General Conditions

3.1 - We reserve the right to change the Auto Likes Terms of Use from time to time at our sole discretion ("Updated Terms"). You agree that we may notify you of the Updated terms by posting them on the Auto Likes service, and that your use of the Auto Likes service (or any other act as we reasonably indicate) after the date the Updated terms become effective will constitute your acceptance of the Updated terms. Therefore, you should review the Auto Likes Terms of Use and any Updated terms before using the Auto Likes service. The Updated Terms will become effective on the date of publication or a later date specified in the Updated Terms and will apply to your use of the Auto Likes service as of that date. Disputes that arise prior to the entry into force of the updated Terms will be governed by the Auto Likes Terms of Use

3.2 - We reserve the right to deny anyone access to the Auto Likes service for any reason at any time

3.3 - We reserve the right to revoke the right to use any username for any reason

3.4 - We may remove, edit, block and/or monitor Content or accounts containing Content that we, in our sole discretion, determine to violate the Auto Likes Terms of Use, but we have no obligation to do so

3.5 - Communications you receive from the Auto Likes service or the Auto Likes service may contain links to third-party websites or features. Images or comments on the Auto Likes service may also contain links to third-party websites or features. The Auto Likes service also includes third-party content that we do not control, own, or support. Functions in the Auto Likes service may allow interactions between the Auto Likes service and third-party websites or features. This includes applications that link the Auto Likes service and your profile on the Auto Likes service to third-party websites or features. For example, a feature in the Auto Likes service may allow you to share Content from the Auto Likes service or to share your Content with a third party, which may be shared publicly on that third party's service or application. To use this functionality, you usually need to login to your account from a third-party service, and doing so is entirely at your own risk. The Auto Likes service has no control over these third-party internet services or their content. You expressly agree that the Auto Likes service is in no way responsible or liable for any such third party services or features. Communication and commercial transactions between you and the third parties you find through the Auto Likes service are entirely between you and the third party. You may choose to use the Auto Likes service or applications that link your profile on the Auto Likes service with third-party services (each an "Application"), at your sole discretion and at your own risk, and that Application may interact, connect, or interact with your profile on the Auto Likes service. may collect and/or receive information. By using such Apps, you agree to the following: (i) if you use an App to share information, you consent to the sharing of information about your profile on the Auto Likes service, (ii) your use of an App allows you to publicly disclose information that identifies you, even if Auto Likes does not provide such information. may be disclosed and/or associated with you, and (iii) your use of an Application is entirely at your own discretion and the risks arising therefrom are entirely at your own risk, and you must indemnify the Auto Likes Parties (specified below) for any damages resulting from actions relating to the Application

3.6 - You agree that you are responsible for all data charges arising from your use of the Auto Likes service

3.7 - Scanning, pulling, caching, or otherwise accessing content on the Auto Likes service by automated means (with express permission of the Auto Likes service), including but not limited to user profiles and photos. (except as found by standard search engine protocols or technologies used by a search engine).

ARTICLE 4 - Disclaimer of Warranty

4.1 - including Auto Likes contents; including, but not limited to, the Auto Likes service is provided "as is" and "with all faults". To the fullest extent permitted by law, none of Auto Likes or its parent company or its employees, directors, officers or representatives (all referred to as "Auto Likes Parties") contains (a) Auto Likes Contents, (a) Contents of (a) User GTOOLS services, (a) d) Makes no representations, warranties or endorsements, express or implied, regarding the security of the Auto Likes service or the transfer of information through the Auto Likes service. In addition, Auto Likes parties make warranties, but not limited to, of any type, including but not limited to, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, warranty against seizure, custom, trade, non-intrusive use, system integration, and computer virus disclaimer

4.2 - Auto Likes parties make no warranties or representations, including without limitation, that the Auto Likes service or server that the Auto Likes service will run error-free or uninterrupted, that defects will be fixed, or that the Auto Likes service will be harmful, it doesn't. Auto Likes parties make no representations or warranties that the information (including instructions) available on the Auto Likes service is accurate, complete or useful. You agree that your use of the Auto Likes service is at your own risk. Auto Likes parties do not warrant that your use of the Auto Likes service is legal in any jurisdiction, and Auto Likes parties specifically disclaim any such warranties. Some jurisdictions do not limit or allow the disclaimer of implied or other warranties, so to the extent that the laws of that jurisdiction apply to you and the terms of Auto Likes, the above disclaimer does not apply to you

4.3 - By accessing or using the Auto Likes service, you represent and warrant that you comply with the laws of all jurisdictions where you access or use the Auto Likes service

4.4 - Auto Likes parties do not endorse the content and no loss, damage, (actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise) injury, indemnity, liability or specifically disclaims responsibility or liability for any other reason.

ARTICLE 5 - Limitation of Liability; Disclaimer

5.1 - In no event will Auto Likes parties act directly or indirectly against you (a) the Auto Likes service; (b) Auto Likes contents; (c) User Content; (d) your use or inability to use the Auto Likes service or the performance of the Auto Likes service; (e) any action in connection with an investigation by Auto Likes parties or law enforcement agencies into your or another party's use of the Auto Likes service; (f) any litigation in connection with copyright or other intellectual property rights holders; (g) Any error or defect in the operation of the Auto Likes service (h) Such damages may occur to any user's computer, mobile device, or other equipment or technology, whether foreseeable or otherwise known to the Auto Likes parties negligence, strict liability, or tortious treatment (including, without limitation, loss of profit, loss of profit, wholly or partly caused by negligence, force majeure, telecommunications failures, or theft or destruction of Auto Likes service) from any breach of security or any other virus, bug, tampering, fraud, error, defect, interruption, malfunction, operation or transmission delays, information for any loss or damage (of any kind, direct, indirect, economic, exemplary, special, punitive, Including, but not limited to, incidental or consequential Auto Likes parties have no liability to you or anyone else for loss, damage or injury, including but not limited to death or personal injury. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exemption may not apply to you

5.2 - In case of damage, loss or injury caused by the actions or faults of the Auto Likes service, any internet site owned or controlled by Auto Likes, that you do not qualify for a court order preventing the enjoyment of the service, property, product or other content and that any content, property, product, distribution or distribution of any content owned or controlled by Auto Likes You agree that you will not have the right to prevent or restrict your use or enjoyment of them

5.3 - Auto Likes is not responsible for third party activities, content, information or data; release us, our founders, directors, employees, partners and agents, from any claim or damage, known or unknown, arising out of or related to any action you bring against any third party.

ARTICLE 6 - Relationships Between Third Parties and User

6.1 - The laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia will be valid in the resolution of disputes between the parties arising from this contract, in the implementation and interpretation of the whole or parts of the contract. The parties accept this unconditionally and unconditionally

6.2 - The courts of the Republic of Indonesia will be authorized to settle disputes between the parties arising from this contract.

ARTICLE 7 - Time Limit on Claims

7.1 - You agree that any claim arising out of your relationship with Auto Likes must be made within 3 months from the date it arises, otherwise you will not be able to make the claim legally.

ARTICLE 8 - Links to Other Websites

8.1 - The websites we link to may not be under our control. The Site cannot be held responsible or liable for the information and materials provided by third party websites. We recommend that you read the policies of all third party websites before using such websites and submitting personal data or any information on or through such websites.

ARTICLE 9 - Links to the Site from Other Web Sites

9.1 - Written permission of the site must be obtained before adding links to our site from third party websites.

ARTICLE 10 - Prohibitions

10.1 - Users are prohibited from logging into the Auto Likes service using another user's password, information or access token without permission

10.2 - Users are prohibited from logging into the Auto Likes service with more than one account and using the Auto Likes service beyond the existing restrictions

10.3 - Users cannot log into the Auto Likes service and take any action on another user's account or page without the permission of that user.

Last Update at Saturday, November 6, 2021